AFL One-Click Cleaner MPO

AFL One-Click Cleaner MPO

P/N: 32340

High performance device for cleaning the ferrule endfaces of MPO (MTP) fiber optic connector bulkheads.

AFL Fujikura

This tool cleans the fiber endface without the use of alcohol. It effectively cleans all 12 fiber endfaces at once. Solvent-free cleaning leaves no residue. Works with FOCIS-5 (MPO) connectors. Capable of cleaning MPO/MTP ferrules inside or outside the MPO/MTP adapter. 500 cleanings per cassette.

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The One-Click Cleaner is designed to clean MPO and MTP® multi-fiber connectors used in data centers and other high density optical networks.  The One-Click Cleaner MPO is a revolutionary push-type cleaner which simplifies cleaning of the ferrule end-face of both exposed MPO connectors and MPO connectors in adapters.  As with all One-Click Cleaners, the One-Click Cleaner MPO uses the innovative push-to-clean design. The mechanical push action advances the optical grade cleaning tape while effectively and gently cleaning the end-face of the connector.

  • Ergonomic, comfortable design with single One-Click action cleaning
  • Automatically advance ensures each clean is performed with fresh cleaning tape
  • 500 cleans per unit
  • Ideal for Data Centers and other high density optical networks
  • Cleans connectors on jumpers and in adapters (plugs and ports)

Specs & Features


  • Ergonomic, comfortable design with single One-Click action cleaning
  • Automatically advance ensures each clean is performed with fresh cleaning tape
  • 500 cleans per unit
  • Ideal for Data Centers and other high density optical networks
  • Designed to work on MPO/MTP multi-fiber connectors including 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, 32, 48, and 60 fiber
  • Cleans connectors on jumpers and in adapters (plugs and ports)
Weight 0.2 lbs