Rugged and Compact: The rugged VFI4 is designed for the rigors of real-life field testing. It has a range of up to 10 km, fits on a keychain, and features extensions that protect the red-laser port. It has both CW and pulsating modes and is powered by a single AA battery for up to 30 hours of operation.
Installation and Activation: VFI4 is used for quick continuity checks, fiber tracing, splice verification, and Pass/Fail validation for mechanical connectors. VFI4 is also an excellent complement to any OTDR because it can locate faults inside the OTDR’s dead zone.
Essential Troubleshooting Tool: The VFI4 highlights sharp bends, breaks, faulty connectors, and other defects that “leak” light. Other applications include end-to-end continuity checks, as well as identifying connectors in patch panels and fibers during splicing operations.
Low Power Option: The VFI4-L offers a low power version with a lower output power of 1.0 mW and a 4 km range.