We don’t just sell tools; we deliver badass custom tool kits that save you  time, money, and headaches. One call, one part number—your techs are armed and ready. No more dicking around with mismatched tools or endless invoices. Manage, maintain, and replace with ease, and get exactly what you need—nothing more, nothing less. Boost your productivity, control your spending, and keep your operation tight from Finance to Field.


Save Time With Easy Ordering
Each custom kit is assigned a single part number. Outfit a new technician with one quick phone call instead of building a new tool kit from scratch.

Better Tool Management
You and your technicians will know exactly what tools are in their kits, making it far easier to maintain complete kits and to assign responsibility.

Easy to Maintain and Manage
All of your kits are outfitted with the same high-quality tools, making it easy to maintain complete and consistent kits throughout your workforce.

Rapid Tool Replacement
You get an easy re-order sheet listing every tool in your custom-made kit, so replacing tools is easier than ever.

Increased Control
Design your tool kit your way with exactly the tools you need. Advanced planning means no money is wasted on unnecessary tools or individual parts.

Boost Productivity
Cut down on hours of paper work by eliminating numerous purchase orders and invoices from multiple vendors.

1 + 1 + 1 = 1

1 Price  +  1 Part #  +  1 Shipment
= 1 Perfect Tool Kit Solution