justCASES.com actively serves local, state and federal government purchasers as a small business. We gladly accept government Purchase Orders and P cards and can also ship to APO or FPO addresses.
Legal Business Name: | Tecra Industries DBA: justCASES/Tecra Tools, Inc. |
DUNS #: | 785544537 |
Federal Tax ID #: | 84-1138915 |
CAGE/NCAGE Code: | 1W636 |
CCR Registered: | Yes |
SBA Pro-Net Registered: | Yes |
Business Classification: | Small Business |
Terms: |
We accept Net 30 days, EFT Payment or Government IMPAC Purchasing Cards. |
Order & Payment Address: |
justCASES.com 6235 Lookout Road, Suite C Boulder, CO 80301 |
To Order Toll Free: International: Email: Online: |
888-318-5878 303-338-9224 info@justCASES.com www.justCASES.com |
Over the past 25 years we have provided our products to all branches of the United States military (USAF, USMC, Army, Navy, Coast Guard, National Guard) and most branches of the federal government (DOD, State, NIH, VA, etc.). In addition, we have many state and local agencies as long term customers.
We are committed to doing everything we can to help our government customers find the solution that best meets their needs. Please call us toll free at 888-318-5878 or email us info@justCASES.com for a price quotation or additional information about our government sales program.
Please find below the information you need to make working with justCASES.com easy!
Do we have a GSA schedule?
No, many of our products are customized in some fashion. ALL GOVERNMENT AGENCIES RECEIVE THE MOST FAVORED (LOWEST) AVAILABLE PRICES.
Order & Payment Address:
justCASES.com, a division of Tecra Tools, Inc.
6235 Lookout Road, Suite C
Boulder, CO 80301
In Colorado: 303-283-0260
A Tecra Tools Company
6235 Lookout Road, Suite C
Boulder, CO 80301